Friday, June 27, 2008


Why am I creating this blog?

Is it because I have too much to say or is it because I have nothing? or is it because just like my old diary, I would like to revisit this page sometime later in my life, and wonder what make me write that. Its been a long time since I have penned down something in my old diary. That diary. He gifted me this one long time back, and wrote on the cover page that someday he will see the sunrise with me, and we will read it together. Yes, someday, we will!

But thats not the only reason why I am starting this blog. I think deep down I am losing touch with myself. I am not evolving as a person. I am not learning new things. I am not experiencing anything which sets my mind on fire. I am gradually reducing to a mass who is devoid of thinking and feeling both. And thats not what I want.

Someone has told me that writing/ blogging has therapeutic effect, and it let your mind cure itself. Perhaps thats the reason why I am starting to blog more seriously now. I need to overcome the lethargy that has set in, well, in last two years. There was a time when my life was oscillating between two seemingly conflicting zones and I use to crave for some stability in my life. It came, but unsettling something else so important in my life that I am still struggling with the aftermath.

Time to bury the hatchet, and move on.

Its time to rock once again. To do something exciting. Something which is real fun. Something which brings that sense of achievement back. And what better place to do it than this little town. And what better time to do it than this when I am on my own 24 X 7. Well, almost.

Let's put it this way. This blog is part of my quest to find my true self. And to connect with few more restless creatures out there.

Don't get comfortably numb, get uncomfortably charged up!

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